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Author: rdmonroe5

Trailhead to a Wedding

My mission seemed simple. My planned route, straightforward. Little did I know of the myriad perils lying in wait on the trail before me. It all began innocently enough. “Hey Dad. Carrie & I were wondering. You know those trailhead register boxes? Well, we thought it would be great...
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Locked Up

The Saranac Lake Uppers Locks Construction Project An Adirondack Outlaw Scouting Report The NYSDEC announced in early September that the upper locks on the Saranac River between lower and Middle Saranac Lakes would be closed until further notice beginning September 18th due to a planned reconstruction upgrade of the...
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Leaf Covered Trails

Celebrating Fall’s Season Musings, Memories, & a Hike Framed in a Poem I took a walk today Down a leaf covered trail Fall’s carpet of yesterdays October’s confetti hail I took a walk today Down a leaf covered trail Reminiscing crunched leaf memories In full fallen foliage detail I...
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From Rail to Trail

A Sneak Peek at the Adirondack Rail Trail First things first: Yes, I can read. The sign clearly says, “Trail Closed” (Although someone has moved it.) And yes, I have read the NYSDEC notices & bulletins urging folks to stay off the trail until work is completed. I realize...
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Aerial Reconnaissance

The Anniversary Gift of a Lifetime: An Adirondack Flyover My wife Robin & I received a huge surprise this year from our children for our (Lord, PLEASE, hear my prayer! Help me get this number right!) 33rd wedding anniversary. They went in together and bought us an Adirondack plane...
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Sharing Late Summer’s Harvest, Berry Picking Memories, & Mom’s Pieberry Recipe ********** Rule #1: “If you want Mom to make pie, first you have to pick pieberries.” This is a rule that I learned early on as a lad. Some of my earliest childhood memories are of Mom &...
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A Zen Boat Journey of Discovery Spending a “Shipwrecked” Day Exploring Middle Saranac Lake’s Ship Island The landscape canopy was still fully arrayed in splendid shades of bright green as my wife Robin & I made our way up along Route 3 from Watertown for what was intended as...
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Bloomingdale BogScapes & A “How To” On Birch Boxes

An Enjoyable Evening at the Adirondack Artists’ Guild Celebrating the Beauty of The Bloomingdale Bog Featuring a “How To” demonstration on the creation of birch boxes By Friend & Photographer Eleanor Sweeney Followed by a presentation & discussion on the art of painting Bloomingdale Bogscapes By Artist Stephen Horne...
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When Life’s Struggle with Death Leaves a Blood Trail He lifted his nose to the breeze gently riding the first rising rays of the sun. Beneath October’s dank, musty fallen leaf blanket and balsam bough cover scent, the crisp north woods promise of snow filled his nostrils. Headed towards...
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Grail Quest

Sometimes The Holy Grails We Seek Are Right There All Along I suspect we each have our own individual grail quests. It’s a uniquely personal endeavor, filled with passion, hope, heartbreak and peril. Holy Grails themselves can evolve over time and take many forms. For me, one of my...
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