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Category: Nature

Left-Handed Fish

Show of hands: Who’s Ready?! Let’s Go Fishin’! Now, I know what some folks are gonna say. I can already hear the naysayers nayin; “But fish don’t have hands! All this left-handed fish stuff is nonsense!” I beg to differ. Of course, fish have hands! How else do they...
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Tricks of the Trail

Tactics & Techniques for Enjoying Wildlife Photography Using Trail Camera Technology Full disclosure: When it comes to technology, I am the textbook definition of “absolute moron”. A sad fact to which I am certain my family will quite readily attest. My wife: “Hun, why did you just buy fifty-seven...
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Where Sentinels Soar

An SLHS ’81 Classmate Collaboration Featuring the World Class Eagle Photography of Peggy Ivimey Framed with Words by Dick Monroe ********** In A Land Beyond Lands Beyond Times Born Before Nature’s Habitat Heritage Filled with Legends and Lore Mountain Lake Magic Gateway to God’s Door Pristine High Peaks Palace...
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Hope Springs Eternal

Sometimes Against All Odds Nature’s New Life Prevails ********** I’ve spent the past thirty plus years working to bring. our family’s old farm lot back to life. One major component of that effort through the years has been slowly adding a network of ponds. Robin & I added our...
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Author’s Note: I never know when or how a story or verse will arrive. They always seem to appear out of nowhere and catch me off guard. This poem originally came to me while I was standing in my kitchen making a big pot of wild turkey soup, which...
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