Don’t Touch The Buttons

Author’s Note: This story appeared in The Adirondack Almanack’s January 31, 2022 on-line edition.
It’s almost that time! Saranac Lake’s Winter Carnival approaches (Feb 4th-13th). One of the highlights of winter. Their 2022 theme is “Totally ‘80’s”. Ice Palace Construction is underway.

Winter Carnival Parade plans are being made. Carnival King & Queen & the carnival court will soon be announced. This year’s Winter Carnival buttons are for sale.

A few years back, as we quite often do, my wife Robin and I took a weekend day trip from our Watertown home up to Saranac Lake. We planned to see the Winter Carnival Ice Palace, then meet our son RJ and his then girlfriend Carrie for lunch. RJ was in his senior year at Paul Smith’s College. Carrie was a Junior. They are now both graduated and engaged to be married. Quite the Paul Smith’s alumni pair.

We visit Saranac Lake frequently. It’s where my father lies buried. It’s where I grew up. I still refer to our weekend excursions to Saranac Lake as trips “home”.
I graduated from Saranac Lake High School in 1981. Senior Class President. I’m not quite sure how that happened. Blame my best friend, Chris. He was my campaign manager. His mom was my English teacher; twice. She actually liked me for some reason. Her classes were what I depended on to balance out my otherwise mediocre grades.

We’d moved to town in 1973. My parents finally purchased a house. The summer before my 5th grade year. I was 9. My first permanent home.
Before that we lived on both ends of the Northville Placid Trail. I attended 4th grade in Lake Placid, briefly inhabited the Northville end twice.
My Dad was a career DEC man. Surveyor, Forest Ranger, District Ranger…on up the ladder, our family followed the course of Dad’s career. By the time my parents finally bought our house on the corner of Stevenson Lane in Saranac Lake, he was Regional Director. He was offered residency at the main house at Camp Colby. Dad declined. He did not wish to dislodge the family that already lived there.
Saranac Lake was a great place to grow up. Our pillared Italian stonemason built house by the Pine Street bridge on the river made growing up there even better. The Saranac River bordered our back yard. Moody Pond and Mount Baker rested just beyond Carpenter’s Hill. We built our own toboggan runs there. In the summer the railroad tracks were our private hiking trail. Once the snow flew, my friends and I hunted snow shoe rabbits and “partridge” along them as soon as we were old enough. (Okay, well, maybe at least as soon as ONE of us was old enough.)
Stevenson Lane ended in a dead end at a cul-de-sac game farm run by Old Man Quisnell. Robert Louis Stevenson once lived in a cottage near the hill’s crest, where he composed essays in the late 1800’s. Kids on bikes roamed streets freely. No one locked doors. We knew all our neighbors. Mealtime guests were quite frequent.
Mom was a part time Librarian at Saranac Lake Free Library. I worked there too- cleaning inside after hours, shoveling snow from the walks before school in the winter.
I had a paper route, delivering Adirondack Daily Enterprises. My route went out along Old Lake Colby and Trudeau Roads. The Trudeau family were actually one of my paper route customers. I don’t think Garry Trudeau, the famous Saranac Lake Winter Carnival pin designer of “Doonesbury” fame lived there. At least I never met him. I do remember reading “Doonesbury” comic strips every day in the paper. They were way too political for a young teenage kid back then though. I never really understood them.
I cleaned the Adirondack Daily Enterprise offices too, twice a week, after my newspapers were delivered.
Mr. Doolittle owned The Enterprise then. He personally wrote my cleaning job paycheck each week. I always felt intimidated when I walked into his office. I’m not certain why. I was about fourteen at the time. He was never anything but polite.
Dad bowled in a men’s league at Saranac Lake Lanes. I kept score by hand, for tips, back before automatic scorekeepers were installed there. Men drank beer and bowled. Almost all of them smoked cigarettes. I met a side of my father that I never saw elsewhere and learned a whole new vocabulary in that bowling alley.
I bowled there too, in a Junior League. Later on, I bowled with Steve (yes, Enterprising Lad Steve), on Saranac Lake’s High School bowling team, until we all got kicked off the team one year for drinking vodka laced Kool-aide on the bus. I didn’t bring it. I just might have drank some.
Mom and I won a trophy one year in the Christmas “Candy Cane” tournament. 1975 – 2nd Place. I still have that trophy adorning my trophy shelf.
My class held Junior Prom at The Hotel Saranac. When Paul Smith’s College still ran it. “Stairway to Heaven” was our prom theme, probably not all that “Decidedly Different” from everyone else.
I played Redskins football, beat marching band drums in every downtown parade. In the spring, I ran the mile and the 800 relay in SLHS track.
I secretly loathed marching band. Especially when I had to play bass drum. The wool uniforms were itchy. Plus, they smelled Really bad. It was always either sweltering hot when we marched through town in Memorial Day parades, or blistering cold when we marched for Winter Carnival. I did not mind running track though; the uniforms were much skimpier and girls wore them too.
When I was sixteen, I got a job at Dagwood’s serving pizzas and subs to downtown patrons. At first Dagwood’s was where The Back Door Bar was located later. I’m not sure what’s there now. Dagwood’s later moved across the street, by the bowling alley. Last time I looked, there’s still a Chinese restaurant there now.
Downtown bars stayed open late. We worked until 3:30am on weekends, jukebox blaring out tunes. Tunes were four for a quarter. A cheese pizza pie slice was a dollar. Cold subs cost three bucks. There was always a 3am “last call” rush. Most of our patrons at that hour were a bit wobbly. Some took a nap in their food while we cleaned around them. I frequently did not get home until well after sunrise.
We were allowed to take any unsold pizza slices home after work. I somehow always managed to have a whole slice pie leftover. (I’m not sure how THAT happened.) I loved them for 5am weekend breakfast with a glass of cold milk.
I worked at Dagwood’s all the way through college. Dagwood’s owners never saw fit to give me a raise. They said I ate more than I was worth. That was quite possibly an accurate assessment on their part. I decided early on that it was likely in my best interest not to push that issue much.
That is but a snapshot of the memories that flash through my mind each time Robin and I make the Winter Carnival trip “home”. We always drive past my old Stevenson Lane house. The two big blue spruce trees that were out front are long gone. It’s an accounting firm now. I wonder if neighborhood kids still play street hockey in the road.
At any rate, on this particular trip, Robin and I cruised into Saranac Lake just before 1pm, when we were unexpectedly met by a road block, complete with State Trooper cars, way up past the High School. I tried to detour around it. Another barrier. I tried again, and again, no such luck. An Adirondack Outlaw’s worst nightmare! Saranac Lake was, for some unknown reason, COMPLETELY blockaded by cops!
Then it struck me – “Of Course!” We had arrived just in time for the Winter Carnival parade! I hadn’t thought about that ahead of time. We re-calibrated. Robin and I parked our car on a side street at the top of the hill, walked down into town, stood together and watched.
There were marching bands playing, clowns throwing candy, a civil war formation firing musket volleys! (Where else but on a cold winter’s day in Saranac Lake can you find uniformed soldiers in formation firing off downtown musket volleys!) There were lots of colorful floats, even a crazy drum playing pirate. It was awesome!
As the parade began winding down, Robin and I climbed back up the hill. Barriers finally came down. We met RJ & Carrie out at my brother Ray’s house, just off the Old Trudeau Road, where my boyhood paper route used to run.
Ray wasn’t home. He was busy doing brother Ray stuff. So, with RJ & Carrie following, I skirted out around the back side of town and came back in through Ray Brook, beyond all the hubbub. We ate lunch at The Blue Line Brewery. RJ likes their chicken wings. Everyone likes their beer.
After lunch and some hugs, RJ and Carrie returned to Paul Smith’s for some afternoon studying. Robin and I had our own agenda. We headed towards the Ice Palace.
It was cold, but not frigid, by Saranac Lake standards. We parked at St. Bernard’s and walked towards Lake Flower.
There was a bustling crowd on the street, vendors outside the ice palace in tents, couples snapping photos, volunteers directing traffic.

The Ice Palace was well done, as always. The theme that year was: “Myths and Legends”. There were several ice sculptures of legendary mythical beings.

A “Prehistoric Park”, an extra-terrestrial space ship, a unicorn. I had Robin take my picture kneeling beside what I think was a “Big Foot” sitting on a throne, but, then again, it could have been “Thor”. I really wasn’t quite sure.

Robin and I had someone take our picture together in the tourist photo booth kiosk using Robin’s phone.

Once we were done walking through the ice palace snapping pictures, we walked down the street towards the Chamber of Commerce Winter Carnival Store.
I had made a solo road trip home to see the Ice Palace the weekend before. I often make solo trips home on the spur of the moment.
In the summer I may scoot up to South Creek and put in for some quiet time on the lake. I may stop by my dad’s grave, meet RJ & Carrie for lunch, go “bottle diving”, or just stop by to say “Hi” to my brother.
During my previous week’s visit, I had done some shopping in the Winter Carnival store. I bought a forest green fleece logo vest, a “Hunter’s Plaid” logo hat too. Two wooden “Winter Carnival” coasters, a poster, a nicely done photo album. I quickly spent nearly $100!

The clerk at that time, a nice woman, remarked; “We love customers like you! Please come back again soon!”
While I was there, I spotted a box full of old Winter Carnival pins from past years. browsed through it- bought two, that current year: 2020, and 1981, my senior year at Saranac Lake High School.

So, on this second trip I was eager to once again browse through that box of old Winter Carnival pins and buy several more.
Robin and I entered the Winter Carnival Store. Besides the two store clerks, we were the only ones there. I spotted the cardboard box full of pins in zip-lock baggies, sitting there on the floor. Above it was a handwritten list of years, and a sign:
“Old Winter Carnival Pins- $5 Each”
I immediately knelt down and began rummaging through the different pins in the box. Suddenly, the male store clerk approached me. I had several pins in my hand that I was planning to buy. Without warning, the man reached out grabbed the box full of pins from me, and placed it emphatically behind the counter, out of reach.
He looked down his nose at me and snorted:
“If you wish to purchase a pin, the DISPLAY is over THERE.” He then pointed.
“You may point to the one you want in the display on the wall. I will then tell you if it remains available for purchase.”
I arose from my crouch. The clerk stood before me- Columbia Fleece, collar up, designer blue jeans, leather boots that had clearly never set foot on a trail in their life. I detected the unmistakable scent of cologne – “Arrogance”, by Pierre Cardin. We all know that stench.
I stared at him momentarily, caught off guard, speechless. I felt my blood boil. Robin and I were still the sole patrons in the shop. I could have gone to prison for what was going through my Adirondack Outlaw’s mind in that moment.
Instead, I exhaled and tossed my handful of old pins on the counter.
“I don’t like you. You are rude!” I remarked sharply. Robin and I then exited the shop.
We walked back past the Ice Palace while I tried to cool down. We made our way back to our car, and drove into town.
We made several other purchases without incident in several downtown shops. One shop I especially like, and visit every chance I get, is The Adirondack Loon Center’s gift shop. I browsed, handled and bought several small items there. The store clerk was quite friendly. She never grabbed any of them from me. Not even their buttons.
That Winter Carnival Store encounter has stuck with me. The message was quite clear:
“You may visit Saranac Lake’s Winter Carnival any time you wish. You may share lunch with your son, pay respects to your father, admire our Ice Palace. We even invite you to watch crazy drum beating pirates and musket firing formations in our downtown parade.
However, if you attend Saranac Lake’s Winter Carnival there is one simple rule you must always remember”:
If You Visit Saranac Lake’s Winter Carnival Store,
You May Look All You Want
“Just Don’t Touch The Buttons!”
Author’s Endnote: Last year’s Saranac Lake Winter Carnival took place in the midst of the worst days of COVID & the Pandemic. My wife and I did not attend. We plan to go again this year though. I very much look forward to returning to The Winter Carnival Shop to buy this year’s edition of the carnival button. And maybe rummaging through a few boxes of old ones.

* All Ice Palace “In-Progress” Construction Photography Courtesy of Jackie Ely*
Until Our Trails Cross Again:
It Gets Cold in the Mountains
Button Up!

Wow that’s just wrong no one no mater what should be treated that way! So very sorry Richard
Hi Caron, Great to hear from you- Thanks! Luckily for us, a whole lot more folks like you around than him. Love my hometown! Are we ready for spring yet? Can’t wait to get myZen boat back out on the lake! Be well, your Class of ’81 Friend- Dick
I wish we could have made it up to the Winter Carnival this year I was really looking forward to it! Hopefully 2021!
No problem-We’ll get there Scott. who knows,maybe it’s about time I made a trip back over Northville way. If I do, I’ll have to introduce you to Bologna and peanut butter sandwiches. If you don’t quite get the reference- query your Mom! Hi Sandy! Hi Fritz!
I do recall those sandwiches but must confess that I have never had one. Mom and Dad have been wintering in Myrtle Beach.
Try it-You’ll like it! Good for hikes! Gourmet version: use two slices of bologna-add potato chips ,sliced dill pickles,& sliced red onions. I call that one “The Monroe”.
Enjoyed your article. Hope you sent your comment to the store’s proprietor. I grew up on Franklin Avenue so all you wrote about is so familiar. Also, my brother-in-law lived in that home prior to your family.
Good morning! Nice to meet you! Thanks for your comment. IF I remember correctly,my parents bought that house from a music teacher couple- I want to say….Zehring? I may not have that quite right, I was still quite young. My brother & I absolutely LOVED growing up there! It broke my heart when my folks finally sold it- but after we grew up, it simply became too much house. Ray and I hid a childhood memory time capsule inside it before my parents moved out. I wonder if anyone ever found it?! Thanks again for the read and the comment- Be Well, Dick Monroe
I’m so sorry for that unnecessary experience, but so few Saranac Lakers are like that! I’d like to think he had a bad day, but more than likely he’s a jerk – possibly not even a real Saranac Laker😃. And you are correct – the Zehrings had previously owned that amazing house. And my mom worked for your dad at DEC so many years ago. Hoping your next visit is much more pleasant!
Hello again! So my memory is NOT completely shot! Every trip home is great! Sometimes we just hit a little weather. When we do, we just add another layer and keep hikin’! Love my hometown! & All my friends in it! Happy Trails! Dick
Cool post (pardon the pun). I’m glad you took the High Road with that Rat Bastard. But you also have to know that people like that are most likely not nice or happy people in other areas of their lives. Sad.
But thanks for sharing the photos and experience of the Winter Carnival! I haven’t seen one since I left high school in ’79! I may have on one trip home during college or my early Air Force years, but am not sure.
Sorry that you had such a bad experience! Chris’s Dad is my next door neighbor, he often mentions you! I have fond memories of your Mom and Dad at various Fire Department events! I usually have extra buttons, if there was anything in particular you were looking for let me know!
Hi- Thanks for reading! I am still in close contact with Chris. We talk multiple times daily. Chris actually serves as primary “Beta Reader” (in house pre-publication insight giver/ informal editor) for nearly all of my pieces- including the 5 that I have published in ADK Life Magazine. Guess Chris has made being my “Campaign Manager” his lifetime hobby. Good thing someone has. I need all the help I can get! Please tell Mr. Tolhurst Dick Monroe says- “Hello”. As to pins- I’m good for now. I’ll be making a visit next year back to the Winter Carnival Store! You can bet your buttons on that!
Hey Richard, read your story about the buttons and reposted it on Facebook with a few comments of my own. You should have popped him one. Take care.
A few inside fastballs maybe? My control was never that good anyways. But I sure did learn from the best! Great to hear from you, Giff. Thanks!
Enjoyed reading about your recent and past adventures (the clerk was really out of line). Saranac Lake is one of a long list of place names I hear on NCPR so it was fun to learn more about the place.
Saranac Lake is my home town. I no longer reside there. My heart never left. Thanks for visiting! Dick Monroe
My pleasure 🙂
Your story brought back many memories! We moved to Saranac Lake in the early 60’s and lived on Pine Street just across the bridge and then Lower Algonquin Ave. I too delivered the Enterprise, was told it was their longest route, it sure seemed like it. Played football, hockey and track as a Redskin(before the name change) and graduated in 1976. My dad was a math teacher and AV director at the high school and still spends his summers at his camp outside Malone. I’ve lived in New Orleans and Houston since graduating from SUNY Potsdam but have had many memorable trips back home! Hope you get to Winter Carnival next year, I know it’s on my list for a return visit
Good Evening! Thanks for reading and sharing your memories too. I was likely in 7th(?) grade at Petrova MS when you graduated in ’76. I do, however, remember your Dad, though I never had him for math I had Mr. Nells & Mr. LaGasse. Math was NOT my strong suit! I recall Mary(?) Stiles graduated a year or two ahead of me. A relative, perhaps? If you had the longest Enterprise route- we may have walked the same one- out along Old lake Colby/Trudeau Rd?I walked that route for 3-4 years. I can’t imagine one being any longer. As to my return to Winter Carnival next year….You can bet your buttons on that! Thanks for reaching out- I enjoyed chatting. Take Care, Dick Monroe