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Tag: High Peaks

Aerial Reconnaissance

The Anniversary Gift of a Lifetime: An Adirondack Flyover My wife Robin & I received a huge surprise this year from our children for our (Lord, PLEASE, hear my prayer! Help me get this number right!) 33rd wedding anniversary. They went in together and bought us an Adirondack plane...
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A Zen Boat Journey of Discovery Spending a “Shipwrecked” Day Exploring Middle Saranac Lake’s Ship Island The landscape canopy was still fully arrayed in splendid shades of bright green as my wife Robin & I made our way up along Route 3 from Watertown for what was intended as...
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Bloomingdale BogScapes & A “How To” On Birch Boxes

An Enjoyable Evening at the Adirondack Artists’ Guild Celebrating the Beauty of The Bloomingdale Bog Featuring a “How To” demonstration on the creation of birch boxes By Friend & Photographer Eleanor Sweeney Followed by a presentation & discussion on the art of painting Bloomingdale Bogscapes By Artist Stephen Horne...
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When Life’s Struggle with Death Leaves a Blood Trail He lifted his nose to the breeze gently riding the first rising rays of the sun. Beneath October’s dank, musty fallen leaf blanket and balsam bough cover scent, the crisp north woods promise of snow filled his nostrils. Headed towards...
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My Dad Knew Smokey Bear

In Memory of Thomas R. Monroe My Father’s Day Tribute As my father’s son, growing up, I had no idea that my life might just be a bit different from the other boys around me. It all just seemed so normal. I never gave it a thought. I mean,...
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Where Sentinels Soar

An SLHS ’81 Classmate Collaboration Featuring the World Class Eagle Photography of Peggy Ivimey Framed with Words by Dick Monroe ********** In A Land Beyond Lands Beyond Times Born Before Nature’s Habitat Heritage Filled with Legends and Lore Mountain Lake Magic Gateway to God’s Door Pristine High Peaks Palace...
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“Beam Me Up, Scotty”

My Journey Back Through Time to The Enterprise One of the most out of this world moments that ever occurred in my Adirondack Outlaw writer’s career universe: April 26th, 2023 The day I had a face-to-face interview with a reporter from the Adirondack Daily Enterprise. Following my efforts at...
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Hear Me Roar

My Survivor’s Mission: Giving Hope Voice      Long I’ve been waiting for some signal or sign.  Finally, God has revealed my purpose. This is my mission. I’ve received my orders.      I’ve now endured fifteen long years, battling my way through seemingly insurmountable life and death odds, fighting my...
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Menu of Memories

I May Have Been a Pep Rally Cheerleading Phenom, But My True High School Major Was Lunch Hour.      I didn’t fully realize it at the time, but I absolutely loved high school.  Many cherished memories of life were crammed into those four short years, including some of my...
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Just Roman Around

2023 Winter Carnival Musings Moments & Memories My Heart of the Adirondacks Hometown Carnival Montage FEATURING: Saranac Lake’s Illustrious Lawn Chair Ladies ********** What a perfect 2023 Saranac Lake Winter Carnival Parade Saturday! Bright and sunny, not windy or snowing, the thermometer reading an Adirondack balmy mid-twenties. My wife...
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