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Tag: Zen


A Zen Boat Journey of Discovery Spending a “Shipwrecked” Day Exploring Middle Saranac Lake’s Ship Island The landscape canopy was still fully arrayed in splendid shades of bright green as my wife Robin & I made our way up along Route 3 from Watertown for what was intended as...
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Scarred Cedar Logs

Bull Rush Bay Lean-to Desecration! Discoveries, Musings, Encounters & Memories on My Journey to Zen I suppose folks could consider this the fourth in my ongoing series of Bull Rush Bay lean-to life stories. For the past fifty-one years I’ve been canoeing in to Middle Saranac Lake’s site 63...
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Damn The Torpedoes!

     Monroe Bull Rush Bay Camp Prep, 2019: I dragged Dad’s old 12 foot aluminum Grumman canoe from behind my shed, cleaned it up, replaced bow and stern lines, then spray painted it camouflage greens and browns over a base of flat black.     I cleaned and lubed the...
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