There’s Room in My Garden
Author’s Note: Greetings to all who read my writing adventures & follow my blog. After finishing “Campfire Bears”, it occurred to me that I now have TWO granddaughters. Thus, in all Grampa Christmas gift fairness, I realized that I needed to write and illustrate not one but TWO books. So, here I am, once again delving into the mysteries of drawing and coloring my own children’s book illustrations. Only this time instead of campfire treat stealing bears, it’s garden vegetables. Tomatoes, peppers and pumpkins seem pretty straight forward, but some of the others… I’m not yet quite sure how I’m going to tackle peas, beans and corn.
At any rate, this story represents the fifth of my efforts in what has (rather unintentionally, I might add), become my own series of self-illustrated children’s books. I enjoy these projects. As I add each illustration, I can slowly feel the tale coming to life, which brings me joy. So, as I did recently with “Campfire Bears”, I thought I would share it “in progress” so that any who might have interest in such things could share that journey with me and watch it evolve.
This is intended as my gift for my infant granddaughter Alayna, though I imagine my two-year-old granddaughter Ari Rae will quickly assert herself in her big sister role. I penned it in a manner that I hope will encourage and allow Ari Rae to “read it” to her baby sister. Over and over.
That’s my hope anyway. Gotta get to work though. I have to meet Mrs. Claus’s December 14th deadline in order for her to have time to turn it into a Shutterfly book and get it under the tree for Christmas morning. It’s Santa’s secret though, so…Mum’s the word!
Until Our Trails Cross Again:
Happy Holidays!



Once upon a time, there was a happy little tomato named Ari Rae Marra, growing up big and strong in her garden.
One spring day, peas and carrots visited Ari Rae’s garden and asked,
“Ari Rae, we were wondering.”
“Is there room for us to live here in your garden with you?”

Ari Rae’s face lit up with a great big smile.
“Oh Goodness, Yes!”
“I love peas and carrots!”
“There is room in my garden for all of my friends.”

Soon after that, onions and peppers came calling.
“Ari Rae, is there room in your garden for us to grow up big and strong too?”

Ari Rae grinned a big grin as she said,
“Oh my. Yes!”
“I love onions and peppers!”
“There is room for all of my friends to grow up big and strong in my garden with me.”

A few warm spring days later, corn and cucumbers paid Ari Rae’s garden a visit.
“Do you think there is room enough in your garden for viny cucumbers and sweet yellow corn?”
“What do you say, Ari Rae?”
“Is there a place in your garden for us?”

Ari Rae sang out happily.
“Hip Hip Hooray!”
“I love corn and cucumbers.”
“Of course you can stay!”

Next, green beans, pumpkins and squash arrived.
“Hello Ari Rae.”
“Your garden looks like such a fun place.”
“Is there room for us to live here and grow too?”

Ari Rae giggled with glee.
“Oh, absolutely!”
“I adore green beans, pumpkins and squash.”
“There is room for all of my friends to live here in my garden with me.”

But even with all of her friends growing happily around her, Ari Rae felt like something was missing, some special friend to make her garden complete.
Then one warm day, as Ari Rae and her garden friends soaked in the sun’s rays, she heard a small new voice next to her say,
“Hello Ari Rae. My name is Alayna.”
“I’m a happy little tomato, like you.”
“Is there room in your garden for me to grow up big and strong too?”

Ari Rae looked down next to her and gasped in surprise.
“Oh my! Look, everybody!”
“I have a little sister tomato!”
“All my prayers have been answered.”
“Of course there is room in my garden for you, Alayna.”
“Now we can grow up big and strong alongside all of our friends and share our garden together!”

All of Ari Rae’s garden friends shouted with joy.
After that, they all lived happily, sharing the sun, growing up big and strong in the garden,
alongside big sister Ari Rae and little sister Alayna.

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About The Author
Lifelong NYS resident. Raised in Saranac Lake. Cornell graduate(ROTC). Army veteran, Airborne/Ranger qualified, 10th Mtn Div, stints in Honduras and with JTF VI. 3rd degree Black Belt; 3x cancer survivor; published writer with several featured stories in Adirondack Life Magazine. Residing in Watertown NY with wife Robin & our 3 adult children. Loving Life. Living in the Day I am in.
Love this ❤️
You are a treasure of love and wisdom.
Wishing you health, happiness and a meaningful Christmas and New Year
From your old Jewish friend who once lived at 1 Stevenson Lane.
Great to hear from you, Bob! Happy Holidays!
Garden Looking Good so far! Are all those miniature collies yours, and how much help did you have getting that picture?…The cooperation from the pups, (except Rudolph of course) is quite a feat! Have yourself a Merry Christmas with your grands and family.
Thank you, Alan. Those are Shetland Sheepdogs (aka shelties). And uhh…yes. That photo op was a story all its own. Happy Holidays!
What a special book for your granddaughter Alayna..beautifully scripted and illustrated.
Thank you, Judy. Almost done. 3 more illustrations to go, I think. I will admit though, once this book is finished, I think I’ll take a break from drawing for a while. Two illustrated books in one month has been a real GRIND! Hope you are feeling better soon. Dick Monroe
Isn’t it great you get to grow up again with two little tomatoes at your side, Dick?!
Yup! My 2 yr. old granddaughter Ari Rae is so excited about Christmas. She’s a hoot!