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Author: rdmonroe5

Grail Quest

Sometimes The Holy Grails We Seek Are Right There All Along I suspect we each have our own individual grail quests. It’s a uniquely personal endeavor, filled with passion, hope, heartbreak and peril. Holy Grails themselves can evolve over time and take many forms. For me, one of my...
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Alone The Night

Reflections on Life From an Adirondack Lean-to Have you ever spent a night alone in the woods? I have. Whether bivouacked in a deer hunter’s mountainside tent, working long summer days as a trail hand from a remote high-peaks cabin, enjoying the cedar log solitude of my favorite lean-to,...
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Dive Bar Decor

Savoring Saranac Lake’s Rich Bottled History One Glass at a Time ********** I’ve been Adirondack bottle diving for several years now, salvaging Saranac Lake’s rich bottled beverage history from beneath a variety of locations in its meandering array of tannin-stained waters. A number of my more noteworthy finds have...
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Cedar Log Surgery

Lean-to Life in the Adirondack Outback Those Cedar Logs Standing Silent and Strong My Refuge, My Sanctuary My Soul’s Sacred Home I Feel Your Wounds Bleeding Anguished Tears Scar My Heart ********** I had planned on staying Sunday night, June 25th, after my brother Ray & I rendezvoused at...
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Bittersweet Memories

A canoe trip down memory lane, a new pair of shoes, and my SLHS Classes of the ’80’s Reunion. I hadn’t made time to attend one of our high school class reunions in quite a while. Folks made an effort to organize an ” SLHS Classes of the ’80’s”...
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Scarred Cedar Logs

Bull Rush Bay Lean-to Desecration! Discoveries, Musings, Encounters & Memories on My Journey to Zen I suppose folks could consider this the fourth in my ongoing series of Bull Rush Bay lean-to life stories. For the past fifty-one years I’ve been canoeing in to Middle Saranac Lake’s site 63...
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My Dad Knew Smokey Bear

In Memory of Thomas R. Monroe My Father’s Day Tribute As my father’s son, growing up, I had no idea that my life might just be a bit different from the other boys around me. It all just seemed so normal. I never gave it a thought. I mean,...
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Left-Handed Fish

Show of hands: Who’s Ready?! Let’s Go Fishin’! Now, I know what some folks are gonna say. I can already hear the naysayers nayin; “But fish don’t have hands! All this left-handed fish stuff is nonsense!” I beg to differ. Of course, fish have hands! How else do they...
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Tricks of the Trail

Tactics & Techniques for Enjoying Wildlife Photography Using Trail Camera Technology Full disclosure: When it comes to technology, I am the textbook definition of “absolute moron”. A sad fact to which I am certain my family will quite readily attest. My wife: “Hun, why did you just buy fifty-seven...
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Where Sentinels Soar

An SLHS ’81 Classmate Collaboration Featuring the World Class Eagle Photography of Peggy Ivimey Framed with Words by Dick Monroe ********** In A Land Beyond Lands Beyond Times Born Before Nature’s Habitat Heritage Filled with Legends and Lore Mountain Lake Magic Gateway to God’s Door Pristine High Peaks Palace...
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