Born In the Back Woods

When I was a young officer in the 10th Mountain Division’s 1-22 Infantry Battalion, one of my most memorable experiences was standing in battalion formation, 550 battle ready men strong.

1-22 Inf Bn, 1st BDE
10th Mtn Div (LI)
Old Post, Fort Drum
circa 1988
Led by our Battalion Command Sergeant Major, echoing his words in single voice unison, line by line we belted out our “Regulars by God” battle cry:

Top R: Command Sgt Major Dumka inspecting the troops
Bottom: Col Keane, Division CSM Hewett, Battalion officers & honored guests
Bn activation ceremony, Old Post, Fort Drum
As the 1st 10th Mountain Division battalion on post, we trained hard.

But we still found time to have fun.

We completed not one but TWO 100-mile road marches during my time in the battalion.
One of my fondest memories of my time in the service is marching through Harrisville, NY as “Onward Christian Soldier” echoed from the town’s church bells.

Old Post, Fort Drum
10th MTN ended the practice shortly after I left the battalion. To this day I believe I am one of a handful of “Regulars” who successfully completed that grueling task twice.
We deployed to Honduras.

I went in with the advanced party. We were training the Honduran Army. Things down there at that time with Ortega’s Nicaragua & the Contra Rebels were pretty hot. We deployed on a “joint training mission”, but we deployed combat loaded.
I served with 1-22 Infantry Battalion for nearly four years. I was promoted to 1st Lieutenant during my time in the unit. Shortly after my promotion I became the Battalion Intelligence Officer, aka: “The Deuce”, The Battalion S-2.

I completed US Army Ranger school during my time in the battalion. As a Military Intelligence officer in an Infantry Battalion, an achievement of which I was especially proud.

I went in at a lean, mean 165 pounds.
“56 days and a wakeup” later,
I came out a skin & bones 125.
Ranger School slots were highly coveted. Not every man who went to Ranger school made it through. I had to complete 10th Mountain division’s Combat Leader’s Course first, and then wait for every Infantry Lieutenant and Captain in the Battalion before I was finally awarded a slot, successfully completed the course and got tabbed.

To this day, some of the best memories and experiences of my life are of my time with my time with 10th Mountain Division’s 1-22 Infantry Battalion and the men that I served with.
Regulars By God!

Until Our Trails Cross Again: