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Tag: ADK

A Trail of Broken Hearts

An Adirondack Outlaw Wandering Lost in Love’s Wilderness ********** Author’s Note: This story was featured in the February 13, 2022 online edition of The Adirondack Almanack ********** There’s a mystic trail in these mountains. Myths, tragedies, and harrowing rescue tales surround it. It’s not marked on any map. Oldtimers...
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Postcard Picturesque

Small Town Life Adirondack Captured on Camera An SLHS ’81 Classmate Collaboration Featuring Photography by Jackie Ely   Author’s Note:  This story appeared in the January 14, 2022, edition of The Adirondack Almanack. Jackie’s photography proved to be extremely popular. Gaining 371 Facebook shares in a little over a...
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The Canoeist

“Beware! He’s Watching.” **********      His ears suddenly perked up. He lifted his head, put his nose to the air. He could smell it almost as soon as he heard the boat’s engine cut off.      “Humans.” His keen nose soon confirmed it.  The mixed aroma of campfire smoke,...
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Author’s Note: I never know when or how a story or verse will arrive. They always seem to appear out of nowhere and catch me off guard. This poem originally came to me while I was standing in my kitchen making a big pot of wild turkey soup, which...
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ADK Outlaw Perspective

While Everyone Out There Seems Preoccupied With Wipin’ Their Ass My Adirondack Outlaw Survival Strategy Remains Simple: “Stockpile Outlaw Essentials“ STRONG COFFEE GOOD WHISKEY GASOLINE A GOOD SHARP KNIFE AMMO CA$H ********** Until Our Trails Cross Again: Live The Day You Are In Live Outlaw Real ADKO...
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Living A Bit Outlaw

Have you ever passed in a no passing zone? Ran a Red Light…. On purpose? Exceeded the speed limit….After Dark….While driving your Dad’s boat? Checked out in the “Express Lane” with too many items? Made a wake in a “NO WAKE” zone? Called in sick when you weren’t? Raise...
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