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Tag: Hunting

National Hunting Blind Set-Up Day

If that’s not an official holiday, it oughta’ be! Well! This is it! Saturday is October 1st. The time of year every hunter has been waiting for. In New York State, October ushers in the opening of bow season, fall turkey and duck hunting, as well as most small...
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Larceny on the Lake

The Mysterious Case of the Vanishing Duck      The day dawned with a twist.  A hunter’s life lesson hard learned as my Zen Boat canoe silently sliced morning mist.      I jumped a pair of wood ducks along the shore to my left as my hand painted Zen Boat...
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Hunter’s Reflections

A Season’s End Hunter’s Poem ********** Each Season’s End Harvests Hunter’s Reflections What Was What Wasn’t What Might Have Been **********   Fallen Waterfowl Feathers Fall Foliage Breeze Trail’s First Frosted Tracks Fresh Buck Rubbed Trees ********** Morning Pre-Dawn Stealth Silence Hunter’s Hart Prayers for Luck ‘Til That True Shot’s...
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When The Gales Come Early

My True Father/Son Adirondack Outlaw Duck Hunting Survival Story Author’s Note: This story appeared in the October 29, 2021 online edition of The Adirondack Almanack. “The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down Of the big lake they called Gitche Gumee’ The lake it is said, never gives...
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Seven Point

Some hunt for trophy bucks. Some hunt for memories. In a secluded spot along my trails On an elm by a bridge Hangs a simple wooden sign It reads: “Seven Point” Whenever I reach that spot on my route My mind is transported To one treasured moment Etched forever...
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The Hunter

Beware! He’s watching. Author’s Note: This story appeared in The Adirondack Almanack’s Sunday October 31, 2021 on-line Halloween edition, making it my 1st published fiction short story. ********** “What was that noise I just heard? Was that just a squirrel or a chipmunk? Or is somebody watching me? Are...
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Wild Turkey Soup

Read the Full Story for My Wild Turkey Soup Recipe WARNING!!! One taste of this soup has been known to make sinners of saints! Author’s Note: (An edited version appeared in The Adirondack Almanack’s March 27, 2021 online edition.) ********** Wild Turkey Soup All Happy & Simmering Ready To...
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Author’s Note: I don’t consider myself a poet. I don’t seek them out. Sometimes, however, they still seem to find me. This one came in pieces, like fall’s falling leaves, on my last fall duck hunting trip of the season, up north to Middle Saranac Lake via South Creek....
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Bagging Grinches

I love to hunt, always have, but cancer is a Grinch, trying to steal everything, even an Outlaw’s roast beast. When I was 16, I bagged my first buck, an 8 point, up on a Phelps Mountain ridge. My next buck didn’t come for a number of years. I...
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Olympic Outlaws

How Two SLHS Outlaws Were Thwarted in Pursuit of the Gold Author’s Note: ( “Olympic Outlaws” appeared in The Adirondack Almanack’s March 18, 2021 online edition) **********      I first met Chris in the spring of 1978.  We were both freshman milers on the Saranac Lake track team.  I...
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