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Reflecting on today, plotting tomorrow.
Love the ride
Set Your Heading

Author: rdmonroe5

Bagging Grinches

I love to hunt, always have, but cancer is a Grinch, trying to steal everything, even an Outlaw’s roast beast. When I was 16, I bagged my first buck, an 8 point, up on a Phelps Mountain ridge. My next buck didn’t come for a number of years. I...
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My Daily Prayer

Greetings! Even after nearly fourteen years, this remains my daily prayer. Said quietly, every morning, first thing, as I mark yesterday off the calendar, put that day in my pocket to save, and prepare to take on THIS day! I was out working on my trails one day a...
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Damn The Torpedoes!

     Monroe Bull Rush Bay Camp Prep, 2019: I dragged Dad’s old 12 foot aluminum Grumman canoe from behind my shed, cleaned it up, replaced bow and stern lines, then spray painted it camouflage greens and browns over a base of flat black.     I cleaned and lubed the...
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Olympic Outlaws

How Two SLHS Outlaws Were Thwarted in Pursuit of the Gold Author’s Note: ( “Olympic Outlaws” appeared in The Adirondack Almanack’s March 18, 2021 online edition) **********      I first met Chris in the spring of 1978.  We were both freshman milers on the Saranac Lake track team.  I...
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Living A Bit Outlaw

Have you ever passed in a no passing zone? Ran a Red Light…. On purpose? Exceeded the speed limit….After Dark….While driving your Dad’s boat? Checked out in the “Express Lane” with too many items? Made a wake in a “NO WAKE” zone? Called in sick when you weren’t? Raise...
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