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Category: Adirondack Adventures

“Escaped From New York”

Scanning through some old Adirondack Outlaw camp photos. Ran into this one. Upon close examination I suddenly realized: Hey! That’s a young Snake Pliskin on the right! Pre-eye patch Pre-Leather Vest Pre- New York Incognito Right there in our camp! Got word from an undisclosed location up north not...
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The Day You Are In

Greetings! As we enter uncharted waters, as a twelve year 3x Cancer survivor, I wanted to offer several insights and experiences I thought folks might find useful in navigating their day. “One spring I hand painted my ZEN BOAT canoe.” “Oar and Paddle Blades Too!” Many, if not most...
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Bail Bonds

The Kind Of Friends Who Keep You Afloat ***Author’s Note*** This story was originally published in Adirondack Life Magazine’s July/August 2019 Issue, pg.77, under the heading “Shenanigans”. It was the most recent in a series of five original vignettes I have published with Adirondack Life between 2014 and 2019....
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ADK Outlaw Perspective

While Everyone Out There Seems Preoccupied With Wipin’ Their Ass My Adirondack Outlaw Survival Strategy Remains Simple: “Stockpile Outlaw Essentials“ STRONG COFFEE GOOD WHISKEY GASOLINE A GOOD SHARP KNIFE AMMO CA$H ********** Until Our Trails Cross Again: Live The Day You Are In Live Outlaw Real ADKO...
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The Altona Blues

“My Adirondack Baseball Journey” There Once Was a Time Where Every Town Had a Team Every Team Had a Star Every Boy Had a Dream **********      I grew up in the 1960’s and ’70’s.  An era when baseball was still our nation’s true pastime. When every stick was...
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Outlaw Real

From what I see there’s two kinds of folks in this world. The kind who runs down the street yelling “The house is on fire! Everyone come help!” That guy gets a medal. Then there’s the soot covered guy standing in the front yard with a bucket. “Hey! Arrest...
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“Outlaw Real”

My Fingers Are Clumsy Now My Vision Ain’t So Good Kinda Like My Writin’ A Bit Rustic Perhaps Sometimes Raw Often Rusty But Mostly All True Authentically Me Steadfast In Resolve Living Life “Outlaw Real” ********** Until Our Trails Cross Again: Row Towards Zen Free Of Fear Live A...
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“Memories Are Best When Shared With Friends” A Classmate Snapshot of Friends Saranac Lake High School Class of 1981 *********** An Introductory Note: “Connections & Memories become more cherished through time. Each of us remembers in ways both individual & unique. I wanted to share some of mine.” **********...
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Don’t Touch The Buttons

Author’s Note: This story appeared in The Adirondack Almanack’s January 31, 2022 on-line edition. ********** It’s almost that time! Saranac Lake’s Winter Carnival approaches (Feb 4th-13th). One of the highlights of winter.  Their 2022 theme is “Totally ‘80’s”. Ice Palace Construction is underway. Winter Carnival Parade plans are being...
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********** Snapshot Perspectives On Life, Offered Through The Lens Of My North Country Eyes Accidentally Insightful, Occasionally Humorous Frequently Neither Sometimes Both ********** Outlaw Author’s Note: I will continually update this post through time As new thoughts & views arise Whenever the mood strikes me To read updated entries...
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