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Kaleidoscope Zen

An Anniversary Day Trip Celebration of September’s Early Fall Colors

Stony Creek Mountain
View from Middle Saranac Lake
Mouth of South Creek Canoe Access
September 12, 2024


As August’s Summer Sunset Slowly Fades

September’s Sunrise Ascends

Mountain Marsh Paintbrush Horizons Hint

Fall’s First Bright Splashes of Red

Morning Sun’s Misted Dewdrop Rays Glisten

Falling Leaves Drift the Winds

Mother Earth’s Arboreal Timepiece

Autumn’s Onset Portends

Rustled Leaves Begin Whispering

Nature’s Brushstroke Intent

Turning Another Year’s Seasonal Page

Kaleidoscope Zen


My wife and I took our annual anniversary Zen boat daytrip down through South Creek to our favorite lake. Early fall colors were coming on strong along swampy lowland shorelines. Especially the reds.

I just loved the way these wild Adirondack rosehips accented the nearby maple’s hints of red along Ship Island’s Shoreline. I found myself wondering if the bears would much mind if I harvested some so my mom could make a batch of wild Adirondack rose hip jelly.

If mid-September’s strong splash of fall color is any indication, the foliage should be particularly vibrant this year and may reach its peak a bit earlier than most experts project. Adirondack colors are already strong in some spots along roadways and lowland marshland shorelines.

The only way to know for certain is to get out and enjoy them!

An authentically vintage Adirondack Gentleman reader of mine introduced himself to me as my wife and I were pulling our Zen Boat canoe from the waters of South Creek. I believe he said his name was Pete and he and his wife were from Keene Valley. It looked to me like they were out in their kayaks enjoying a day on the lake, much as my wife and I were.

I hope my wife and I are similarly able to enjoy sharing fall days on the lake into our vintage years. For the life of me, I can’t figure out how I was lucky enough to have found a life partner willing to put up with an Adirondack Outlaw like me for the past thirty-four years.

Anyone who has the answer to that figured out, please let me in on the secret.

Then we’ll both know.


Until Our Trails Cross Again:



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