OUTLAW 20/20
“Welcoming In The New Year”

“Stayin’ Warm by The Stove”
Well, here we are! Another decade behind us- it’s ours now. We own it. 2020 before us- who knows what lies on the trail ahead!
This decade certainly ended with a few nice surprises.
My wife Robin & I were up north last fall, just out riding- taking in some fall foliage along the Ausable.
We stopped in a really cool shop in Keene. “Owl’s Head Rustic”. I often find those spontaneous stops are the best. This place was AWESOME! Someday when we’re rich we’re gonna furnish our whole house from that place!
I spotted a rocker. Hand hewn hickory. Ruggedly rustic. Perfect! But alas- we had the wrong wagon, not enough cash – settled for a nice area rug instead.
Well, long story short- Christmas Ambush!
I’m sitting in that hickory rocker right now. In true Outlaw fashion-My wife, daughters & Mom hatched a scheme & went back up and got it. Hid it from me somewhere for over a week. Had it under our tree Christmas morning.
The quilt in the photo- Mom made that from scratch! Another Christmas surprise. Gorgeous! Vivid memories, painstakingly hand stitched with love.
But 2019 wasn’t quite yet done. I was napping in my new rocker, the day after Christmas. My phone rang. It was my chain saw artist friend. Same guy who carved Mom’s garden gnome “Saranac”.
“Hey Dick- How’s it goin’ man? Merry Christmas! Gotta move some inventory, Man. Havin’ a sale.”
I went right over. Spotted the birds. I’d seen them before- two osprey with a trout. I bought that piece on the spot. It’s now perched in our nook.
Unmarked trails. Ones not on the map. I love to hike ’em. Never quite know where they might go.
I’ve been drafting my next piece. My first 2020 post. The story’s been ready for nearly three days- but not the “featured photo.” I lacked certain props. Old comic books to be exact. I needed about four.
I hit every comic book store in town- all the used book stores, antique shops too. Apparently no one sells comic books any more- they’re all on line.
That’s where my trail took me – So that’s where I went.
“Welcome to Ebay!”
The dust finally settled- FOUR HUNDRED!!! (Give or take a few dozen) AWESOME old comic books later……… I just warned our mailman.
Hey! As those who’ve hiked life with me know all too well- that’s how I tend to roll.
“Every Day I am In.”
I have several New Year’s resolutions to share:
Sing with Loons
Dance With Bears
Let Your North Star Guide You
Plot Your Course
Enjoy the Ride

Until Our Trails cross again:
Live Outlaw 20/20!
Each Day We Are In