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Avatar Rain


Other Select Poems by

“The Accidental Poet”

I don’t consider myself a poet. The few poems I do write happen quite by accident. A single word softly whispers. A quiet voice soothes my spirit.

A thought trickles past. From somewhere hidden deep in my mind’s forest, an unmarked trail reveals itself . I follow it. Suddenly, unexpectedly, a poem trickles or chirps. Words start their flow. I write them down.

I rarely intentionally set out to write poems. When they do happen to me, I generally build a story, like a picture frame, around them. There are a few such poems scattered among various stories I have written. They can be found posted throughout my blog.

“Accidental Poetry” I call it. I do not know when they are going to occur. I don’t ask why. I just listen as they speak to me, then sit down and write.

Today “Accidental Poetry” found me while I walked in the rain. Once written I thought: “What good is poetry not shared?”

So here it is. My conversation with water, somewhere deep within my true heart. A few other follow.


“Avatar Rain”

I love to walk with the rain

Quiet, serene private chats

I share thoughts, woes & worries

Rain shares dreams of the sea

Revealing long hidden channels

Secrets I did not know

Helping me to discover

Life’s true meaning & flow


Until Our Trails Cross Again:

I’ll just keep talking to water & enjoying long walks in the rain.


(Alias: “The Accidental Poet”)


More Accidental Poetry

“When my muse whispers, I take the call.”


“Free of Fear”

I’ve Lived My Life

Made My Choices

Ridden With Outlaws

Howled At The Moon

Answered The Call

Held Out My Hand To A Friend

Fallen & Failed

Said “I Do”

Built Our Home

Together With My Wife

Raised Our Family

Paid Off A Mortgage

Lived A Full Life

I’ve Faced All My Fears

Knelt Before God

I Now Live Out My Days

At Peace With Myself And The World

Free Of Fear


“The Calling”

“Stay Ready,” He said.

“Now is not your time.”

“You shall be called when needed.”

“Keep your faith strong.”

“God knows where you are.”

Sometimes I pray to be human again.

Generally though, I feel blessed to be not.

In the meantime, I stay ready,

Say my prayer daily

And patiently wait


Until Our Trails Cross Again

